August 28, 2020 · by Moms Against Poverty



Her name means “blessed or sacred” and despite all the hardships her family is experiencing, Moghaddas feels her life is true to her name. Living in a remote area of the Sistan and Baluchestan Province in the southeast region of Iran, she shares a small rented room with her four brothers and parents.

Her mother is a pillar of strength and ambition bearing the responsibility of caring for her sick husband and five children. She works long hours repairing sewing machines to cover the family’s essential needs in addition to her husband’s medical expenses. Despite her frail and weary demeanor, she is determined to provide for her family.

Before the COVID-19 virus hit Iran, crippling the already turbulent economy, Moghaddas’s brothers would sell items on the street afterschool to provide an additional income for the family. Since the pandemic, the little income her brothers brought in no longer exists.

Moghaddas (2)

Moghaddas (3)

Moghaddas (1)

“These days job scarcity coupled with the lack of government support to assist the needy and the cost of healthcare makes it easy to become penniless,” said an aid worker.

The increasing economic impacts due to COVID-19 has led to an even greater food insecurity in Iran. With a focus on hunger relief in the country, Moms Against Poverty recently distributed food packets which included staples such as meat and rice to more than 2,000 families across Iran.

Moghaddas’s prized possession is a doll that’s half her size, fits perfectly in her arms and missing one eye. When a MAP teammember saw Moghaddas holding her doll so tightly, she promised that she’d bring her a new doll on her next visit.

“Little Moghaddas and her brothers understand that they are part of our extended families and they are not alone,” said a MAP teammember.


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