Due to the government’s decision to extend school closures for the foreseeable future, Moms Against Poverty Cambodia will remain closed until further notice. The Cambodian government has imposed travel restrictions, announced nationwide school closure, and advocated new health guidelines to prevent further spreading of the virus.
On April 27th, the Cambodian Ministry of Health reported 15 days with no new coronavirus cases. In spite of this news, the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization are still worried that the pandemic might be in its early stages and that the virus could still spread.
As a result of this situation, the MAPC team has been teaching all of our classes online since early this month and is continuing to develop new ways to educate our students while following social distancing guidelines. MAPC teachers and social workers have been using the best possible online education tools and learning materials. Over the past several weeks, we have been teaching six online classes: three English classes, one management class, one youth club class, and one music class. We are planning to create another class for 26 of our youngest students to teach them English basics using Google Classroom Quizlet.
Last month, we decided to use Google Classroom as the main tool for MAPC’s online courses. It allows teachers to upload assignments and assessments directly to the application and makes it easy for students to access and complete tasks given to them. Using Google Classroom’s grading tools, teachers can send feedback to each student, personalizing their responses to best fit different learning styles. The students have been instructed to create a Gmail account which allows them to access online courses and pre-recorded lecture videos from their teachers.
As not all students have access to laptops and smartphones, MAPC managed to distribute eight laptops to the students in need, but there is still a shortage of smartphones and tablets. If you wish to join us in this effort to help us educate underprivileged children, please visit https://momsagainstpoverty.org/donate/ to make a contribution. Your contribution is much appreciated. Without the generous support from our donors and partners, our work would be impossible!