Moms Against Poverty Iran Earthquake 2019 Campaign A car lays smashed by debris from an earthquake in Varankesh village in Eastern Azerbaijan province, some 250 miles (400 kilometers) northwest of the capital Tehran, Iran, Friday, Nov. 8, 2019. The temblor struck Tark...
Thank you for all your kind support, we will continue to keep you updated. 15 tons of food, clothing, hygiene products and basic provisions were distributed to those affected. Four mobile health clinics have been purchased, equipped, and mobilized in the devastated...
Thank you for all your kind support, we will continue to keep you updated. _____ MAP holds an OFAC License and has been working in Iran since 2010. 100% of donations collected from this campaign will go toward earthquake relief and reconstruction. Our staffing and...
On-site report from Dr. Ashkan Taghipour, Managing Director of Nikgaman Jamshid, MAP’s sister NGO in Iran “We are currently stationed in Sare-Pol-Zahab. We have visited the villages along the route from Kermanshah to Sare-Pol-Zahab as well as the Ghasr-Shirin...