September 11, 2020 · by Moms Against Poverty

Promoting Literacy in Cambodia – The MAP Cambodia Media Academy


Motivating kids and teenagers to study is by itself, one the big challenges that this wonderful world provides for all the teachers and parents around the globe. Caring and motivated parents work hard around this issue. But children who grow up households that do not support education leaves teachers confronted with a genuine Gordian knot.

This Gordian knot is the daily bread of the teachers of the MAP Cambodia School. The Cambodian Social System categorizes underprivileged families into “poor1” and “poor2”.

A family categorized as “poor 1” relies on income from every family member. The children of these families normally can’t go to school and are instead required to work. They help their parents by working in construction or in the fields, fishing, or finding food such as; snails, frogs, snakes, or any kind of vegetable that grow in a lake or river.

A family categorized as “poor 2” normally don’t rely on income from every family member. Very often families try to send at least one of their children to study at school, hoping that this one could make a difference in their future.

MAP Cambodia School students come from “poor1” and “poor2” families with children who have not been exposed to any education. The “normal” education curriculum does not work for these children. They do not have the home environment or the resources for standard education. Thus, MAP Cambodia teachers, faced with the challenge of how to keep these children in school are constantly looking for creative and fun ways to educate and motivate the children to attend school and to study.

Throughout the years, music has proven to be a very effective trigger not only for learning music itself but also for literacy… this experience has led to the creation of MAP Cambodia Media Academy in 2019. This vocational training curriculum circulates around a music production program where the children are asked…do you want to write song lyrics or not?… therefore, you have to learn English and Khmer. This program also teaches graphic design, digital marketing and music production to the students.

We are proud to share with you our students’ first creative productions, proving that this hands-on approach is working:

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