I cannot thank you enough for your commitment and support of MAP and the Children. The year 2013 promises to be yet another auspicious year for our children. We live in a world that is much more connected than divided; and, as a community, we are blessed with the opportunity to bring beautiful change into the world by nurturing and educating children in need. Children are the future of our world and each child will grow up to be part of an amazing world filled with opportunities. What better opportunity to educate a child and help them shape the socio-economics of the world in a positive way.
Entering MAP’s fifth year of operations, we are looking for innovative methods to fund and sustain our ever growing programs that serve children. We need your help to expand MAP’s community of donors and supporters. Please take the time to get your business, colleagues and family involved:
- Get your company/business involved through employee matching funds, grants or event sponsorship! Contact: yasi@momsagainstpoverty.org.
- Become a monthly donor. Click here.
- Replace traditional gift giving with a wonderful program called Alternative Gift Giving. To learn more, please click here.
- Plan a small fundraiser for MAP. With your help, we can raise awareness and funds.
- Join us on Facebook.