In an era of technology, no tool is more useful for teaching and guiding children than access to computers, and their vast potential to aid in personal and professional growth. The Tech industry, worldwide, is growing at a rate that exceeds the number of college graduates in computer-related disciplines. Companies around the world are hiring individuals with programming and coding experience regardless of educational background — perfect for impoverished communities trying to provide their children with means for economic mobility.
Moms Against Poverty (MAP), in collaboration with Mother Miracle School (MMC), has dedicated $32,000 toward endowing a computer lab in Rishikesh, India. Twenty-four computer terminals have been outfitted, including desks, monitors, and power supplies, along with a single flat-screen television and green board to aid teachers.
We are delighted to hear from MMC that four full-time teachers and two volunteers are currently working in the MAP computer lab, a feat only made possible by everyone’s help and contributions. Daily, one hundred fifty students between the ages of nine and fifteen are attending coding classes, learning in-demand industry skills and programming languages, such as JavaScript, HTML, Scala, and Python.
We are overjoyed with our success in India and plan to use it as an example to expand MAP’s projects elsewhere. We make it our goal to not only provide aid for children in poverty but also give them the skills and means to make a better life for themselves.