April 19, 2019 · by Moms Against Poverty

Moms Against Poverty First Quarter Impact Report


Moms Against Poverty
1st Quarter Impact Report

Dear Friends,

We are grateful for the support of our community during one of the biggest natural disasters Iran has faced. Since mid-March, flash floods have hit 25 of Iran’s 31 provinces, forcing mass evacuations, ravaging infrastructure, and inflicting more than $2.2bn in damages. Thousands of children and their families have lost their homes and livelihood. Thanks to your generosity, we have collected close to $150,000.

Our team has been providing first level relief, distributing food, hygiene products and basic provisions to the most vulnerable in the provinces of Golestan, Lorestan, Fars and Khuzestan. There is much more need that yet has to be addressed, including rebuilding and reconstruction efforts.

Please help support the orphans, children with special needs, as well as impoverished children and their families during this time of need. Donate Now.

With Our Deepest Gratitude and Regards,
The Moms Against Poverty Team


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In addition to our flood relief efforts, the past quarter, we have:

  • Provided 2,030 Norooz food baskets to impoverished children and their families, in the villages of Sistan Baluchestan, Bushehr and Khuzestan.
  • Continued to nurture the girls at Moms Against Poverty’s private orphanage in Kerman. These girls have kindly donated their monthly allowance to help the victims of recent devastating floods in Iran.
  • Began construction of 7 new schools and establishment of 5 new Pre-schools (RoostaMahds) in Iran.
  • Expanded our Nutrition Outreach & Hygiene Programs in 3 centers in the Bay Area. These programs, provide; food, laundry facilities and personal hygiene products to impoverished children via schools and shelters on a regular basis.
  • Supported the Destiny Art Center Program helping provide arts programing to impoverished children in Oakland, CA.
  • Continued supporting Cambodian orphans through Moms Against Poverty’s Foster Care Program and strengthened the curriculum at Moms Against Poverty’s HOPE school in Cambodia.
  • Began construction of Moms Against Poverty’s 5th school in Senegal and provided free meals at Moms Against Poverty’s four other schools in the area.
  • Began the purchase and installation of solar lights and repairing water wells at 15 village primary schools in village of Sierra Leone.
  • Provided daily food for 357 impoverished children in Guatemala.



Moms Against Poverty Events

Moms Against Poverty cordially invites you to it’s
Women’s Benefit Luncheon

Sunday, May 19, 2019
1:00 pm – 6:00 p.m.
Hillsborough Racquet Club

Purchase Your Ticket Now

Moms Against Poverty’s 12th Annual San Francisco Benefit Gala
October 5th, 2019

Sponsorship Opportunities