March 27, 2020 · by Moms Against Poverty

Moms Against Poverty’s Fight Against Coronavirus in the U.S.


Much of Moms Against Povertys work revolves around helping those who do not have the means to support themselves. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, an increasing number of Americans in low-income communities are struggling to find food, even if they can afford it. This pandemic has negatively impacted hundreds of thousands of children and families around the nation. For example, Wards 7 and 8 in Washington D.C. house over 150,000 residents but only have three grocery stores. Panic buying and high demand on the supply chain have created shortages in stores like these that serve entire communities. In the San Francisco School District, 54,000 children district-wide rely on free meals daily. Currently, the closing of schools and workplaces across the state has left many families struggling to feed their children.

Our country’s battle against hunger is only going to grow in the coming months as the coronavirus pandemic leads to more business closures and higher unemployment. These people need your help. Now is the time for us to come together as a nation and help those who are sick or cannot work.

Moms Against Poverty has considerable experience battling food insecurity in the U.S. We currently work with 35+ partner schools and centers in various locations across the country through our Nutrition Outreach Program. During this pandemic, Moms Against Poverty has been able to fund 10,000 dinners for school children in the San Francisco area whose schools closed due to COVID-19. Moms Against Poverty’s grant of nearly $30,000 was used to secure food for those who rely on school meal programs or whose families have lost jobs because of the coronavirus.

Additionally, Moms Against Poverty has partnered with the D.C. Central Kitchen to combat the increased child hunger due to COVID-19. The D.C. Central Kitchen serves five D.C. public schools, runs ten mobile feeding sites across the city, and distributes food to neighborhoods without grocery stores. The demand for food aid is rapidly increasing as the Coronavirus pandemic continues. The Kitchen is expected to support 3,000-5,000 children from low-income families during this crisis, anticipating an overall funding gap of nearly $500,000.

This is just the beginning of Moms Against Poverty’s response efforts. We plan to expand our programs and continue supporting these disadvantaged people over the coming months. However, we need your support to accomplish this goal. Please Donate.


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