March 17, 2020 · by Moms Against Poverty

Moms Against Poverty COVID-19 Response in the US


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Update: Mar 31, 2020

Feb 26, 2020

Moms Against Poverty COVID-19 Response in the U.S.

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Moms Against Poverty COVID-19 Response in the U.S.

Due to the COVID:19 scare, mass closures of schools and community centers leave impoverished families and children without free food they’d normally have access to through our partnership programs. 

Thousands of impoverished children who depend on receiving free food in these locations daily are suffering. We are working diligently with our 30 partner schools and centers in various locations in the country to viably address the food insecurity needs of the community. Please donate and join us in this effort to help our community get through these hard times.

Hunger in the D.C. Area
Moms Against Poverty has partnered with the D.C. Central Kitchen to combat the increased child hunger due to COVID-19. The D.C. Central Kitchen serves five D.C. public schools, runs ten mobile feeding sites across the city, and distributes food to neighborhoods without grocery stores. As the Coronavirus pandemic continues, demand for food aid will rapidly increase. The Kitchen is expected to support 3,000-5,000 children from low-income families during this crisis, anticipating an overall funding gap of nearly $500,000. We need your support. Please donate.

Moms Against Poverty Feeds Children in San Fransisco
Thanks to everyone’s generous donations, Moms Against Poverty was able to fund 10,000 dinners for school children in the San Francisco area whose schools closed due to COVID-19. Moms Against Poverty’s grant of nearly $30,000 was used to secure food for those who rely on school meal programs or whose families have lost jobs because of the coronavirus.

Our country’s battle against COVID-19 is only going to grow in the coming months as the coronavirus pandemic leads to more business closures and higher unemployment. These people need your help. Now is the time for us to come together as a nation and help those who are sick or cannot work.We are working diligently with our 40+ partner schools and centers in various locations in the country to viably address the needs of the community. Please donate and join us in this effort to help our community get through these hard times.

Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity during this difficult time for the people in #Iran.

Our Team in Iran Has Mobilized
They have purchased and are currently distributing #Coronavirus preventative supplies such as the following: #masks#alcoholsanitizers, soap, alcohol wipes and protective apparel to clinics and #hospitals in #disadvantagedcommunities.

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Pictures of Dr. Ashkan Taghipour (Director of Nikgaman Jamshid/MAP’s Sister NGO in Iran) at a homeless shelter for young adults and street children (Garmkhaneh) in Tehran. Serving food and providing them with supplies to protect themselves and the public from the Coronavirus. Thank you for helping them and spreading energy of love and care during these tough times.

*Moms Against Poverty holds a valid OFAC Permit since 2010 and can legally send funds to Iran. We work through our sister NGO Nikgaman Jamshid in Iran.

In the News

Washington Post Report
VOA News Report
abc News Report

Please Help the Children and
Families in Iran

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