November 8, 2019 · by Moms Against Poverty

Moms Against Poverty Iran Earthquake 2019 Campaign


Moms Against Poverty Iran Earthquake 2019 Campaign

A car lays smashed by debris from an earthquake in Varankesh village in Eastern Azerbaijan province, some 250 miles (400 kilometers) northwest of the capital Tehran, Iran, Friday, Nov. 8, 2019. The temblor struck Tark county in Iran’s Eastern Azerbaijan province early Friday. (Mohammad Zinali/Tasnim News Agency via AP)

Source: CNN. Read full report…

We are deeply saddened by the news of the 5.9 earthquake in western Iran this morning in which 5 were killed, 300 were injured and, several small villages were completely destroyed.

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Please donate to help the victims

Moms Against Poverty holds an OFAC License and has been working in Iran since 2010.
100% of donations collected from this campaign will go toward earthquake relief and reconstruction.
(Our staffing and other expenses in Iran are funded by Moms Against Poverty’s General Funds)

You can also mail your donation to:
Moms Against Poverty
P.O. BOX 4212, Burlingame, CA 94011
(Please – Reference: Iran Earthquake Relief on your check)

Moms Against Poverty holds an OFAC License and has been working in Iran since 2010.
100% of donations collected from this campaign will go toward earthquake relief and reconstruction.
(Our staffing and other expenses in Iran are funded by Moms Against Poverty’s General Funds)