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June 3, 2019 · by Moms Against Poverty
Moms Against Poverty Nutrition Outreach Program
Quarterly Report
Location: Bret Harte School San Francisco
Date: April 10, 2019
Here at Bret Harte School our entire student body receives free lunch. We have families who are low income and rely on our Moms Against Poverty program and SF Food bank to make it through the week.
Here is a testimony from one of our many grateful parents.
“My daughter is a 2nd grader at Bret Harte. We moved here a year ago so that she may be a patient at UCSF medical center. She was diagnosed with leukemia 2 years ago. We lived in Portland, OR. when she was diagnosed. There was a specialist who referred us to UCSF in SF. We moved here to get better care for her. I moved in with my mom and brother because I couldn’t afford to rent in SF.
I enrolled her at Bret Harte while she was going through chemotherapy. It took so much out of her that she would miss days of school. This was real hard on the family and it was difficult to make ends meet,
She is now in remission and I am grateful to Bret Harte and the Moms Against Poverty Program for providing us with this beautiful organic food. My daughter is now eating healthier food and it has been a life changing experience for all of us.”
We all have noticed an increase in her attendance here at Bret Harte and her well-being since starting the Moms Against Poverty Program. We will continue to support this family and want to let the Moms Against Poverty program know how very grateful this family is.
This is just one of many stories that will be shared.
Thank you,
Ms, Denise Rueda AK meca
Family Liaison Bret Harte School